BSc (Hons) Podiatry
HCPC Registered
Member of the College of Podiatry
Tel: 07847 750070
What can I expect at my first appointment?
At the first appointment we will need to collect information about your medical history, medication, operations, and allergies as this may affect your feet, or the treatment to your feet.
This information gathering will also include taking your name, address, contact telephone number, date of birth and GP surgery.
We will ascertain the reason for your visit to the podiatry clinic and then do a basic foot assessment which includes an assessment of your circulation and sensation.
If these are affected in any way this can affect your treatment and the implications will be discussed with you as well as giving advice on how to manage your feet into the future.
A proposed treatment will be suggested and your consent to treat will be obtained before treatment
Self care and advice will be given depending on your presenting condition and diagnosis.
Follow up care can be arranged at a timescale to suit you and the podiatrist will advise you accordingly or you can contact for an appointment as you need to.
Where else can I get advice about my foot problem?
There is lots of advice to be found online, BUT please be aware some of it may not be accurate and some of it may not be successful which is why seeing a podiatrist is by far the best plan.
However, there are some useful resources out there to get you started.
Please click on the logos below for external links.
The society of chiropodists and podiatrists.
This has useful information about lots of aspects of podiatry including common foot problem, advice, sports medicine and footwear as well as finding your nearest podiatrist.
Lots of fact files about conditions (not just feet) and advice leaflets.
All about diabetes and its effects.